Awesome Blogger Award! 😁

I was nominated by Jess! So let’s show her some love and check out her blog!! 🥰

Now without further ado, let’s get into the questions!!


  • Thank the person who nominated you
  • Tag it under #awesomebloggeraward in the Reader.
  • Answer the questions your nominator gave you.
  • Nominate at least five awesome bloggers.
  • Give your nominees ten new questions to answer.
  • Let your nominees know that they’ve been nominated.


  1. What is the first thing you’ll do after social distancing measures are lifted? Nothing too exotic, but I NEED to meet up with my friends and sit in a circle on the grass while recounting all of our funniest and most epic memories from high school! With our schools closing so abruptly, we never got a chance to properly say goodbye. It sucks even more because it is our last year of being together as a group.
  2. Your house is burning down, and you only have enough time to save 3 things. What do you save? Honestly…I don’t really have anything I’d truly want to save. I’m a minimalist and I don’t have any possession of mine that I must MUST save. I mean, there is my iPhone 6+, but it barely functions and so I wouldn’t mind it burning! 😂
  3. What’s your favorite social media platform? Does this blog count? I actually cannot, I absolutely CANNOT, stand social media! It’s weird, most 17 year old girls fresh outta high school have the usually Instagrams and Snapchats, but not me! 🙅‍♀️
  4. Where would you like to travel one day? I would love to visit countries where there is a humanitarian crisis and try to help as many people as I can. So wherever I get a calling from!🌍
  5. Would you rather have the power to fly or be able to turn invisible? Depends on the speed at which I would be flying. I’m such an over thinker, so I’ll go with invisibility. I could sneak myself in for free anywhere! Maybe even crash top secret meetings and be able to end wars. The possibilities are endless!🙇‍♀️
  6. If you could snap your fingers and solve a global problem, which problem would you solve? WHERE DO I START?!? You guys reading this have no idea, but I want to do so much and help so many people. I don’t even say this to gain attention, I genuinely want to be able to help so so so so many people and set up schools, hospitals, prison reforms, build roads and skyscrapers and create millions of jobs. I could go on for hours and hours and hours! Probably even days! It’s my absolute passion, and it consumes 100% of my daydreaming!♥️
  7. Who is your role model/who do you admire the most? My maternal grandfather and Aisha (ra), the woman I was named after!
  8. What’s something you want to achieve this year? I want to grow my blog audience for sure! I also want to get into the best shape of my life, complete my online courses, get into medical univeristy (God Willing) and do virtual volunteering! Wish me luck!🙏
  9. Cats or dogs? I think dogs are cuter, but cats for the win!🐱🐶
  10. What’s one song you’re loving at the moment? I’m really not a music listener! I love listening to chirping birds and forest sounds on YouTube, however!

My nominees: Mohamad at My Martial Path, H.R Phoenix, daneelyunus, Nina Yoma, Shruti Pandey, I Blog A Little Bit of Everything, The Indian Reverted Muslimah, Its My Style Of Living, Vincent Ehindero, Haroon.

My Questions

  1. What food have you never eaten but would really like to try?
  2. What social stigma does society need to get over?
  3. What’s your cure for hiccups?
  4. What’s the hardest you’ve ever worked?
  5. What’s a common experience for many people that you’ve never experienced?
  6. What food do you crave most often?
  7. When was the last time you stayed up through the entire night?
  8. What outdated slang do you use on a regular basis?
  9. What’s the most rage inducing game you’ve ever played?
  10. If you were in charge renaming things so that their names would be more accurate, what names would you come up with?

You guys! I cannot believe I’ve got yet ANOTHER (!!) award! Ya’ll truly don’t know how loved that makes me feel! Knowing that there are people put there who have stumbled upon my corner of the internet, knowing that people dedicate their own time and energy to comment and start a conversation. I mean it’s just so beautiful! Thank you ♥️🙌

your fave (you just don’t know it yet),

ayesha ❤

101 thoughts on “Awesome Blogger Award! 😁

  1. Almost a year ago we both re-started with our blogging, I dissapered and you are still here fighting for whats right. I miss that energy you have a young woman. I am routing for you Ayesha!! You are the best!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. One of my favorite comments I have ever received, brought literal tears to my eyes 🥰
      I’ve gotten to know you over time, and you are such an inspiration too! Don’t you forget that! You are certainly one of my role models 🙂
      Thank you so much for the visit! Sending love! ❤


      1. Nah, so my school goes into vacation mood during Ramadan, and our new semester starts immediately after Ramadan. So been rolling with online school! 😪! The past month has been SOOO STRESSFUL! I hate online school tbh! Are you on summer break?💕

        Liked by 1 person

      2. oof! I send you my condolences haha!
        Aww why the stress?? Relax! It’s only the beginning of the school year 🙂
        On summer break? Yes! I’m waiting for university entrance exams to be announced so I can start studying for those! I’m also patiently waiting for my a level results ugh 😛


      3. I’ve managed to successfully not even think about results because I’d get all worked up about them 😛
        Girl you got this! Stress can be good sometimes, but don’t let it win!! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations ayesha. May God bless you that you achieve your every ambition in life .thnks from depth of my heart to follow and like my blog. It is a lot for me in my just started new journey. Once again thnks🙏🙏🙏

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Dolly, my friend, no need to thank me! I should be thanking you for running such a wonderful blog 🙂 Thank you for the congratulations! It warms my heart and pits a smile on my face 😀
      Thanks for stopping by! Sending loads of love your way!! ❤ 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks a million bajillion for stopping by! 🥰
      Right?! I really can’t stand it when people’s lives revolve around social media lol! It’s one thing I hope never happens to me 😛

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Congratulations! I love your answers, especially that image of sitting with friends on the grass. That would be a beautiful way to come together once this pandemic tones down!

    I’m also with you on invisibility over flying. Honestly, flying sounds like it’d be dangerous if you weren’t also invisible. I mean, having people watch me being awkward while learning, maybe getting shot at by alarmed air bases–there are so many reasons I’d rather be on the ground NOT being noticed!😂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Wouldn’t it?? It’s so basic but it means the world to me 🙂

      Being shot by alarmed air bases HAHAHA!! That is genius why didn’t I think of this 🙀

      Thanks for the visit! Sending love your way!! 💕

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Your blog is amazing! I’m following it 🙂 I can feel all the energy and love you put into your posts! Your happiness is contagious hehe 🙂
      Thanks for stopping by! Sending loads of love your way!! ❤ 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Hello Ayesha, I like the way these posts let you know bits and bobs about a blogger. You sound wiser than your years, and you know what, your need will come to be soon (one can hold onto wisps of hope). You have a good weekend. x

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hello there!! I’m super duper glad you enjoyed getting to know me a bit better! 🙂
      I get that a lot, that I’m mature beyond my years. I appreciate the compliment ❤
      Thanks for the visit! Sending love your way!! 💕

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww thank you! And yes, it is so much easier to spread love than consume ourselves with hatred, don’t you think? 🙂
      Thank you for the visit! 😀


    1. Aww thank you!! I’m always down for a chat with a stranger 🙂 ✨ People have such interesting and fascinating lives!
      Thanks for the visit! Sending love your way!! 💕

      Liked by 1 person

    1. That means SO MUCH TO ME 😀
      Yess! The “not really into music” gang must unite! 😛
      Thanks for stopping by! Sending loads of love your way!! ❤ 🙂


  5. Congratulations, Ayesha! I loved reading your answers, and hearing (seeing? reading?) you talk about wanting to help people all over the globe was so heartwarming! I really hope you get to do what you want to! Also wow, high school finishing is a pretty big deal (I can imagine how the lockdown might have dampened the feeling, but still, huge!) Are you excited about everything else to come?
    Love to you ❤

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks, Arshia! You’ll have to excuse my super duper delayed reply whoops 😬
      I always get confused about the seeing, hearing, reading thing on here too 😛 I debate for a couple minutes what to write lol
      Aww yeah, I really really really want to make a difference in this world. Just help people, you know? I feel like all people have this inner drive in them to do good.
      Highschool ending was bittersweet (more Bitter if I’m honest!) None of us knew that our last day at school would be THE last day of school. I had a ton of plans for the summer, but they’ve all been put on hold for now!
      I’m super excited for university to start! And whatever is in store for me 🙂
      Thanks for the visit! Sending love your way!! 💕


  6. 😃honestly, your day dreaming is the same as mine!

    Like 100% the same! I also dream of helping as many people as I can. Especially kids and teens. I just love the feeling of making people smile, just like you love doing also.

    It’s so nice how you will choose to be an humanitarian. The world will surely be a better place with lovely, fantastic, wonderful and beautiful hearts like yours ❤️❤️

    Go on making us smile. 🙏🤗

    Your smile is OUR inspiration ❤️

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Awwww thank you, Vincent!! It’s so great to meet someone my age who has the same ambitions! It’s quite rare 🙂 Even though everyone wants to do good, very few people are willing to sacrifice their lives to achieve that ✨
      You are MY inspiration! Don’t ever forget that 😀
      Thanks for the visit! Sending love your way!! 💕

      Liked by 1 person

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