I’m Back From the Dead! (^_^;)

umm, hey!

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WordPress calling me hehe

first off, its my birthday! I’m finallyyy 18 🥳

SECONDLY, WHERE HAVE I BEEN?! My dear reader, I have one word for you, but this word is self explanatory and requires absolutely no explanation (but me being me, I shall still explain): MDCAT. 😭X∞

So yeah, I’ve been in a self exile of some sorts since August, vigorously preparing for the MDCAT here in Pakistan. Which might I just say, is heavily biased against those who chose to do A Levels in high school. Regardless, my results came out this month, and even though a loooonnnggg process of university/college applications stands in my way, I’ve been deprived of this blog for too long. 😦

And would you look at that, 2020 is almost over huh? And I still have to tell you all about my A Levels results drama! And fill you up to date on every. single. thing. How I started driving, started accurate medication, finally got a job, made a new lifelong friend ❤ and UGH there’s too much to start rambling on about now!

Not to mention, I’ve got a lot of reading to do! Catching up on every blog I can get my hands on that is! Hope you guys get to see more of me around, and make up all that time we lost together. I mean, imagine how dull life would be without me in it! 😛

Catch you around!

your fave (you just don’t know it yet),

ayesha ❤

57 thoughts on “I’m Back From the Dead! (^_^;)

    1. Thank you, Lori! My blog is also the first thing I push aside. I guess that’s how hobbies rank in my importance lol!
      Thank you! I can’t wait to share some good news 😉
      Thanks for stopping by 🥰👍


  1. Happy birthday Ayesha!! (I’ve just turned 18 as well :))
    This is my first time reading your blog, so I feel like I’m starting your journey again with you!
    I hope everything went well with the MDCAT and fingers crossed for your medical application!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Happy birthday to you too!! Welcome to the adult gang! (I have no idea what that even means lol)
      That’s so sweet of you! I’m so happy to have you in my journey AND also get to be part of yours 🥳🥰
      Thanks! I’ll update everyone about medical uni once it all works out hopefully! 🙂🙂♥️

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow, u have done a lot in the times u were gone I c!
    Good to see u finally back! (ur officially n adult now, whats the first thing u want to do? Well, ig im a bit late on this since its been a few days but still).

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Heyy SALAM! I thought of you and your blog while I was on my mini hiatus 😁
      It feels so much better now that I’m back!
      First thing as an adult? I can’t really do anything right now 😂 I did get a job though, so that’s cool! What about you?? Whatcha been up to??
      Hope you have a great day! 🎉

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ws, tysm that’s nice of u!
        Well getting a job is a biggg deal so that’s cool mA (I lit just wrote that and then realised I said exactly what u just said xD)!
        I’ve actually done two posts (one was a vlog, finally!) in two weeks which is crazy since I haven’t posted in foreverr (though alh I have someone amazing [JustSomeThoughts] who posts also keeping my blog alive).
        It’s really good to see u back, can’t wait for some awesome content from u iA!
        Hope u have an amazing day too!

        Liked by 2 people

      2. IM SO BAD WITH REPLYING!! My college/uni applications are finally over alhamdulilah so now I can actually devote time onto here 😛
        Maybee we’re twins?!?! 😂
        Oooh a vlog?!?! I can’t wait to check it out!!
        It’s so nice to be talking to you again! Stay safe my friend!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Oh n I forgot, ye I agree. I took a bit of a break (not intentionally) from posting and it really does feel great when I post again alh (the blogging community is amazing Allahumma barik).

        Liked by 2 people

    My girl is a big girl now🥺❤️
    Wishing you ALL THE BEST! You’ll land into your dream medical university Insha’Allah!😍🙈 my duaas are with you!

    Uhh mann, the MDCAT ride was honestly scary. At least we won’t care of how much pain it’s caused once we land into our fav med school Insha’Allah👀🙈🤪❤️
    THANKSSS MY LIFELONG FRIEND!!! Thankiess for the shoutout😍😭💞 CANT WAIT TO MEET YOU!!
    Stayyy happpyyyy😍🙈

    Liked by 3 people

      First off, THANKS!! You’re literally so awesome 🥰
      Second, it feels SO GOOD TO BE BACK!! I have so much reading to catch up on!! 😱
      My MDCAT is over and I’ve got my results too! Now I’ve gotta start applying for medical uni, but that’s another stress for another day, am I right? 😛

      Hope you have a great year ahead of you! Thanks for stopping by 😁👍💗

      Liked by 1 person

      1. ❤️❤️❤️

        Aww! That’s so nice of you to say!

        Honestly, I didn’t even take a break and I have so much reading to catch up on too😂😂😂 School, am I right? Haha!

        Oh yay! I’m glad that your MDCAT is finished now (I hope you got the results you wanted! 🥰). Applying for medical uni seems stressful, but I’m sure that your application will be amazing! 😍

        Thanks so much! You have a great year too! 🙃

        Liked by 1 person

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